- Avv. Paola Corte
18° EFFL Conference 2024 - Paola Corte tratterà i casi della Corte di Giustizia Europea
La conferenza EFFL è un evento annuale consolidato, organizzato sotto gli auspici della European Food and Feed Law Review, che riunisce esperti del settore pubblico e privato. Esperti rinomati della Commissione Europea, dell'industria alimentare, di studi legali privati e del mondo accademico si incontrano i recenti sviluppi nella legislazione europea sugli alimenti e sui mangimi.
Quest'anno la conferenza si terrà a Bruxelles il 17 e 18 ottobre 2024.
Paola Corte, di Studio Legale Corte, tratterà i casi della Corte di Giustizia Europea più rilevanti degli ultimi 12 mesi.
Programma, suddiviso tra due giorni, sarà il seguente:
Food Waste (Speaker of DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission)
Food Waste and Reduction of Food Loss with a Comparative View and in the Context of the Development Goals, Francesco Planchenstainer, Global Head of Food Law, Nestlé, Vevey
Green Deal: End of Commission – End of Ambition? Where we stand in the Food Sector and what´s next? Prof. Dr. Martin Holle, Food Law and Administrative Law at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Hamburg
Packaging Law, Jasmin Buijs, Lawyer, Axon Lawyers Amsterdam
Maximum Levels of Vitamins and Minerals Peter Loosen, CEO, Food Federation Germany (Lebensmittelverband Deutschland e.V.), Brussels
Food Crisis Management, Katharina Ewert, Associate, Convington & Burling, London
Risk Management, Collaboration and Enforcement – Perspective of a Food Safety Authority, Stephan Ludwig, Team Manager of the Administrative and Food Safety Unit with Landratsamt - Veterinary Authority - Göppingen
Legitimate Factors for the Management Decision, Prof. Andreas Meisterernst, Partner at Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte; Editor-in-Chief of the European Food and Feed Law Review (EFFL)
Recent Case Law of the ECJ (incl. Botanicals), Paola Corte, Partner, Studio Legale Corte, Milan
Green Claims, Leonie Evans, Partner, Meisterernst Rechtsanwälte, Munich
Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence- Experiences from Germany, Philipp Schaber, Consultant at the AFC Consulting Group and Complaints Management GmbH, Bonn
The Importance of Harmonisation and Mutual Recognition for Food Law, Sarah Arayess, Founder, Say legal, Amsterdam
Update on Novel Food Dr. Anne-Marie Orth, Managing director at RDA Scientific Consultants GmbH, Munich
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